Recorded Webinar
Improving Client Experience with Better Document Storage
If you don’t make it easy for clients, your staff will suffer as a consequence. You will have difficulty recruiting new staff if your technology is old and their client interactions are frustrating. Many will leave. When requesting documents becomes cumbersome, and as a result, staff end up waiting for information, productivity suffers.
Your team will work more hours than necessary during tax season, making staff feel beaten down and unhappy. Your team will have difficulty completing work with missing data and end up spending hours of unbillable time looking for documents needed to do their work. Inefficiency means every day becomes frustrating and even more so at tax time. If your firm isn’t easy to work with, quick, and highly responsive, clients often leave for one that better meets their needs.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand techniques to improve security with ease of work
- List activities to improve client and team member experience
- Understand ways to improve document storage
- List ways to maintain transparency and firm relationships while receiving client information and delivering final work products
- Differentiate between key products & able competitors to pick the best tools for client and staff experience
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