Auditable Document Trails & Activity Logs

Automatic detailed audit trails track all system and document activity, ensuring complete transparency and accountability within your firm. Confidently navigate audits and regulatory requirements and stay audit-ready. 

Stay Audit-Ready for Compliance and Transparency

Every action, from document uploads to edits and access attempts, is meticulously logged and instantly retrievable.
Boost Collaboration And Client Icon
Track User Activity
The SmartVault Activity Log tracks when users change access settings and upload, download, delete, or change a folder, vault, or document. You can view and export Activity Logs for your account and vaults.
Reduce Paper Handling Icon
Comprehensive Activity Tracking
Maintain full transparency and accountability as SmartVault meticulously logs every action performed on your documents, from initial upload to subsequent edits, shares, and access attempts.
Our Future Together Is Bright Icon
Regulatory Compliance Simplified
Audit logs and detailed tracking capabilities enable seamless adherence to regulations such as SEC, FINRA, IRS guidelines, and more.
Version Control Icon
Audit-Ready at All Times
Providing a detailed account of all document activities can be the difference between a smooth process and a stressful ordeal during an audit. With SmartVault's audit trails, you can confidently demonstrate compliance and reinforce your firm's commitment to data protection and transparency.
Secure Client Portal Icon
Protect Your Firm's Reputation
Maintaining meticulous records and traceability is crucial for mitigating compliance risks and safeguarding your business from penalties or reputational harm. SmartVault's audit trails ensure that every document's journey is tracked and secure so your firm remains trusted and credible.

What Our Customers Say

I like to focus on the parts of my work that I enjoy - the client interaction and tricky tax problems - not practice analytics. SmartVault has reduced or eliminated a lot of the boring parts of my job - and my heavy duty stapler hardly gets used at all anymore!
Rhee Eliker Owner of Rhee Eliker, CPA, MBT
I would totally recommend SmartVault to other offices. It has so many perks for running an office smoothly - organizing client files, inviting clients to upload, getting notified of uploads. It's the first thing I sign into each morning to start working. SmartVault gets 6 stars out of 5 in my book!
Dania Amezcua One Stop Tax Service & Professional Help
We're now 100% paperless, working 100% in the cloud! SmartVault allowed us to eliminate our server and full-time IT service, saving around $1,500 per month.
Robert Paolini Paolini Financial Group, LLC
As the owner of PK Petrykowski CPA, serving over 220 clients across service businesses and individual tax clients, SmartVault has transformed the way we manage and share sensitive client data. Before SmartVault, we relied solely on email and physical mail, which was costly, inefficient, and less secure. Now, with SmartVault's document management system and client portal, we've eliminated the need for one full-time employee dedicated to sorting paper documents, saving us valuable time and resources.
PK Petrykowski CPA Prudence Petrykowski
I love using SmartVault because it’s so organized and easy to use. SmartVault’s integrated document management system and client portal helps us provide personalized services to our clients, increase client collaboration, and create stability and security in our workflows. I highly recommend SmartVault to other tax and accounting firms that are looking to securely work with clients online.
Diane Curtis Affiliated Financial Services

Frequently Asked Questions

What are audit-ready activity logs?
Audit-ready activity logs are comprehensive records of all actions performed within a document management system. These logs track every interaction with your documents, such as uploads, edits, deletions, and access attempts. SmartVault’s audit-ready activity logs provide a meticulous and instantly retrievable account of these actions, ensuring complete transparency and accountability. This level of detailed tracking enables your firm to confidently navigate audits and regulatory requirements, always being prepared for compliance reviews.
Which activities are recorded by audit logs?
Audit logs in SmartVault record a wide array of activities to maintain thorough documentation and transparency. The activities tracked include:

  • Document Uploads: When new documents are added to the system.
  • Edits: Any changes made to documents.
  • Access Attempts: Each time a document is accessed or an attempt is made to access it.
  • User Activity: Changes in access settings, as well as uploads, downloads, deletions, or modifications to folders, vaults, and documents.

These comprehensive logs ensure that every action taken within your document management system is meticulously recorded and easily retrievable for auditing purposes.

What's the difference between audit logs and activity logs?
While audit logs and activity logs are closely related and often overlap, they serve slightly different purposes:

  • Audit Logs: Focus on providing a detailed record of actions for compliance and regulatory purposes. They are designed to help firms demonstrate adherence to regulations and maintain transparency during audits. Audit logs emphasize security, accuracy, and traceability to support compliance efforts.
  • Activity Logs: Capture a broader range of actions within the document management system, offering a comprehensive view of user interactions and document changes. While they also support transparency and accountability, activity logs are used more broadly for monitoring system use, improving internal processes, and ensuring operational efficiency.

In essence, audit logs are a subset of activity logs with a specific focus on regulatory compliance and audit readiness, whereas activity logs cover a wider scope of interactions within the system.

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