Industry Leading Bank Grade Encryption Software

Bank-grade encryption, custom access controls, audit trails, and more eliminate security concerns and create peace of mind for you and your clients. 

Bank-Grade Security

Bank-grade encryption, custom access controls, audit trails, and more eliminate security concerns and create peace of mind for you and your clients.
Boost Collaboration And Client Icon
Never Let Security Be an Afterthought
We’ve built SmartVault to incorporate the stringent security protocols essential for compliance and protecting your accounting firm and client data against breaches and cyber threats. Our commitment to security is unwavering because we understand the consequences of compromise.
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Uncompromised Encryption and Authentication
Industry-leading 256-bit AES encryption ensures your data is locked down and inaccessible to unauthorized parties during rest and transit. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection, requiring multiple verification steps to access SmartVault.
Our Future Together Is Bright Icon
Automatic Data Backup and Versioning
Your documents and sensitive information are continuously backed up to multiple secure locations, ensuring redundancy and minimizing the risk of data loss. Check-in/check-out and version tracking ensure your team always works on the current iteration of every document.
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Secure and Controlled Environment
Granular access settings let you customize document and folder visibility and editing rights. Determine who can view, edit, or share specific files and gain peace of mind, knowing your data is accessible only to those you permit.
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Audit Trails for Compliance
Robust audit trails meticulously track every document’s journey, from initial upload to subsequent actions, ensuring a comprehensive and auditable trail. This level of visibility reinforces your firm’s commitment to data protection and regulatory adherence, safeguarding your business from potential penalties and reputational harm.
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Proactive Defense through Rigorous Testing
Cyberthreats evolve every day, but you don’t need to worry about them if you have SmartVault. Our cybersecurity experts are ahead of the curve, proactively keeping a pulse on threats. And SmartVault engages in penetration testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities proactively.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is my data secure during transit?
All interactions with SmartVault occur over an encrypted channel. We employ SSL to protect your documents, passwords, and interactions with SmartVault from eavesdropping.
How is my data secure at rest?
SmartVault encrypts your documents and all information stored in our databases at rest using AES-256. Our security FAQ provides more details.
How does SmartVault store my data?
SmartVault is designed to allow access to documents via authenticated logins. In other words, documents stored in SmartVault are only accessible if you log into the service or share the documents with another individual who must log into the service. SmartVault employs an Activity Log that you can use to review:

  • Who has been granted permission to access documents?
  • Who has actually accessed documents?

SmartVault classifies the information you store in SmartVault into two categories: confidential data and sensitive data.

Does SmartVault have automatic data backup?
Your documents and metadata are always stored using highly redundant replicated storage. Multiple copies of metadata and documents are stored in multiple geographical locations and backed up regularly to ensure data availability.
How does SmartVault support compliance?
Many customers face compliance pressure when managing sensitive customer information and documents. SmartVault’s security practices and Activity Log can support a document workflow that complies with regulations like HIPAA, FINRA, SEC, and more.
What role do I have in keeping my data safe?
Protecting your assets is a team effort between you and SmartVault, and we take this partnership very seriously. As such, we feel it is critical to help you do your part. Security is a tough balance between protection and efficiency. Just as military fortifications are very secure, they are hard to enter and exit. The additional procedures Protecting your assets is a team effort between you and SmartVault, and we take this partnership very seriously. As such, we feel it is critical to help you do your part. Security is a tricky balance between protection and efficiency. Just as military fortifications are very secure, they are hard to enter and exit. The additional procedures that secure the facility effectively slow down operations within. That being said, we want to provide you guidance on measures that you can take to improve your protection and still meet your business needs.

Here are some simple steps that every SmartVault user should employ:

  • Protect your session by signing out of the service when not in use
  • Use good password practices, such as:
    • Using a strong password (lowercase, uppercase, numbers, symbols, etc.)
    • Changing your password every 90 days
    • Not using the same password you use at other sites or other computers
    • Not sharing your password with anyone, including SmartVault employees. (SmartVault employees are never allowed to ask you for your password.)
  • Further, we encourage our customers to assess their own, individual data protection needs. For example, if you require additional data protection beyond what the SmartVault service provides, you can use third-party encryption systems to encrypt documents before storing them in SmartVault.

SmartVault has features like 256-bit AES encryption, strict access controls and granular user permissions, automated data back-up and recovery capabilities, and detailed audit trails for all document access and activity.

What Our Customers Say

Before using SmartVault, my clients would email me their documents individually or in zip folders that I'd have to download and organize myself. With SmartVault's client portal, my clients can upload documents directly into designated folders. This has saved me countless hours of administrative work and given my clients an easy, secure way to submit their paperwork to me.
Amanda Leddington A.H. Financial Management Services
It's important to have software that can keep our firm convenient and secure in a progressively digital world.
Asher Please Accounting Manager Office Service Solutions, Inc
SmartVault allows me quick and easy access to client documents without clogging up my own inbox or hard drive. Uploading emails and attachments directly from Outlook is a huge time-saver and gives me peace of mind that sensitive data is protected. I no longer have to worry about being hacked or losing information. I would absolutely recommend SmartVault to others looking to improve efficiency and safeguard client information.
Amanda Leddington A.H. Financial Management Services

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